Aquacare can reline old corroded water tanks saving thousands on replacing tanks.
Tanks are relined with a 2 coat system of resin that will last many years, stop any further corrosion and create good water hygiene. Old steel tanks can also be fitted with a new fibreglass lid, overflow screens, air vent and insulation
Corroded tank

Tank relined

No insulation and poor quality lid

Tank insulated with new lid

Call Aquacare Ltd if you are looking for water system engineers. We offer an extensive range of water system services to commercial clients including Legionella testing and assessment, water filters and softeners, chlorination, and tank cleaning. With over two decades of experience in the industry, our family-owned business offers the best services for our clients. Call us or email us now to get a free quote and to book an appointment: 01273 423 331, .